How Much Does Invisalign Really Cost?

When anyone pursues a cosmetic dentistry treatment, their biggest question is always, “How much is this going to cost?” Invisalign is no different, and this orthodontic alternative feels like an even bigger investment because it requires about a year of your time to complete. So, what will you be paying to straighten your smile? It’s more manageable than you might think.

Answers to Your Top 5 Invisalign Questions

Most Invisalign patients or people who are interested in the treatment have plenty more than five questions about how the orthodontic alternative works. Here, we are covering five of the most frequently asked Invisalign questions so you can feel informed and knowledgeable going into your consultation with your dentist.

Damaged Tooth? Get an Immediate Fix with a Same-Day Crown

Dental problems are always inconvenient, but there are some situations that are far more problematic than others. You damage a tooth on the day of a major work event, or right before your wedding, or as you’re preparing to go on vacation – there is a truly endless list of awful timing when it comes to dental problems. When you have a dentist that offers same-day crowns, however, you can have the issue fixed immediately.

The Fastest Ways to Get a Smile Makeover

Some people spend months and even years thinking about their ideal smile makeover, considering the treatments that are right for their teeth and saving up for their investment. Other people wake up and decide they want a new smile and want it right now. There’s nothing wrong with either frame of mind. It should be a relief to know that there are very fast ways to get a smile makeover, so you can look like the best version of yourself sooner rather than later.

Free Yourself with a Customized Smile Makeover

Your smile is the focal point of your face. It’s one of the first things people see when they meet you and talk to you. It’s your mouthpiece and a major method of expressing yourself. If you’re embarrassed by your teeth, you know you don’t feel free. You must be careful about when and how you smile and laugh so your unsightly teeth aren’t noticeable. If you don’t want to limit yourself anymore, it’s time to free yourself with a customized smile makeover.

Smiles by the Sea Gives Back to the Hampton Community

The Smiles by the Sea family dental practice has moved to our new location, from Dearborn Avenue to High Street, but our intentions and level of care remain the same. We know the value of healthy, beautiful smiles, and we provide each patient with gentle, compassionate care so they learn to trust the team at Smiles by the Sea and look forward to every dental visit. We also make it a priority to give back to our Hampton neighbors all year long and have a solid reputation of community involvement.

Back-to-School Dental Care for an A+ Smile

Whether you’re going back to school or your kids are, whether you’re in front of the classroom or pulling the strings behind the scenes, you want be confident and feel good going into a new school year. Having a white, healthy, beautiful smile is one sure way to boost your self-esteem and feel like this is your year. Here are some recommended dental care treatments for an A+ smile.

Fix Your Asymmetrical Smile with Porcelain Veneers

Your smile is crooked, it’s off, it’s just not the kind of perfect you want – in dental speak, this is known as an asymmetrical smile. It’s not crooked or quirky or charming, there’s clearly something about it that may have once been right but is right no longer. Can this imbalance be fixed? Of course. Porcelain veneers can do just about anything.

How Long Does It Take to Get Porcelain Veneers?

It often takes time to get to the place where you definitively say, “Yes, I want porcelain veneers.” But after all that waiting, indecision, and budgeting, most patients are eager to get things started – and finished. So how long does it take to get porcelain veneers? That depends.

Invisalign for Adults Is Real – Make It Work for You

Adults are funny – they’ve finally grown up, have access to millions of things, but when it comes to perfecting their smile, they drag their feet or think they’re not qualified for an upgrade. Invisalign is particularly confusing for many people who still believe braces are only for teenagers. Here’s the reality: Invisalign is for adults, and it can work with your busy life.